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March Bursary Opportunities for Informatics Professionals in Health and Care

Sarah Scriven

Updated: Mar 13, 2023

There are a number of offers of support available from across the Federation from CILIP and BCS, as well as FEDIP's own programme to help promote future leaders.

Here are a few opportunities that we hope will help support you on your continued professional development journey in health and care informatics.

CILIP Health Libraries Groups offers Membership Burasriares

CILIP’s Health Libraries Group are pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to apply for two opportunities for 2023.

For Those Currently Not Members of CILIP . . .

The first offer is to join CILIP free for 12 months and also gain free registration to FEDIP. We have 40 full CILIP memberships to offer. This comes with access to full benefits of membership, including of course being welcomed into CILIP Health Libraries Group (HLG).

The membership also provides supported access to FEDIP for the duration of the membership.

This offer is open to anyone not currently a member of these organisations who can demonstrate they meet certain criteria. To apply you must be able to submit a 10-hour CPD log as evidence of your eligibility to join and complete the application form demonstrating how you meet the criteria.

For existing members of CILIP - add FEDIP registration to your professional profile for free.

FEDIP registration normally costs £25 per annum however this year CILIP Health Libraries Group is partnering with FEDIP and CILIP to award 200 existing members FREE registration for one year. FEDIP registration can be awarded automatically to any member of CILIP that can demonstrate their commitment to their own continuing professional development;

  • Certified members (ACLIP), Chartered members (MCLIP) and Chartered fellows (FCLIP) must be able to show proof of recent re-validation with CILIP.

  • Standard members can provide a log of 10 hours CPD a year.

To find out more and hear the benefits of this exciting initiative, join us on the 21st March at 3pm for our launch webinar. During this session you will hear more from a variety of speakers about the benefits of being members of CILIP, FEDIP and Health Libraries Group.

Full details on how to apply for these offers will be made available soon.

The Julian Costello Travel Bursaries

Opportunity for Future Leaders in Primary Health and Care Informatics to attend the Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) 2023 in Gothenburg.

The Primary Health Care Specialist Group (PHCSG) is advertising two £1,750 travel awards for Health and Care Informaticians to attend MIE 2023 in Gothenburg on 22-25 May. MIE is the annual European Informatics conference of the European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI). They are named in honour of Dr Julian Costello a long time member of the PHCSG.

These awards are specifically for applicants who are working in Primary Care or a Primary Care Network, whatever their discipline and however part time. This would include those in vocational training.

The closing date for applications is 17 March 2023 at 5pm.

Applications will be reviewed, and the winner selected by a subgroup of the Primary Healthcare Specialist group committee. The committee decision is final. The winner will be notified no later than 31st March. The winner must commit to registering for the conference and ensuring active membership of PHCSG as soon as possible and be able to claim all travel expenses (to a maximum total budget of £1,750 including the (members rate) conference fee, travel, accommodation and subsistence) by 30 June 2023. The winners will:

  • Be asked to write a 1000-word blog for the PHCSG website.

  • Be asked to contribute to social media during the event. To be agreed with the PHCSG social media representative prior to the event.

  • May be asked to write a paper/poster on learning to be presented at the PHCSG conference in the autumn.

Enquiries should be submitted to The awards are funded by the Medical Software Group.

FEDIP Future Digital Leaders Bursaries

Last year we were delighted to be able to offer 35 bursary places to future digital leaders, which provided a free membership to a FEDIP Professional Body, a place at the Digital Health Summer School and invitations to a series of webinars from current leaders to enable learning and networking across the profession.

The feedback from the scheme has been so positive that we are keen to offer a similar programme this year and we are currently working with previous beneficiaries to shape what the future of the bursaries might look like.

We are currently working to finalise the new application process, but we hope to open the bursaries up again in April.

If you would like to express your interest in learning more about the bursaries when they are available, please drop your email into the form below and we will send you more information once the process has been finalised.


The Federation for Informatics Professionals in Health and Care

Registered in England and Wales No. 10639143

Thank you! We will be in touch soon.

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